For the month ahead:

It's time for you to take on the qualities of introversion, seclusion, and thinking seriously about the reality of a romantic situation. If you're not happy or satisfied, The Hermit can mean a relationship is about to end, or has really already ended. More so, however, it can indicate a time of increased trust, when two people actually need to allow each other time to be alone, without any unfounded suspicions.

Although at times you may feel as if you're a pawn of the fates, there's really nothing for you to worry about. The only outcome you need fear is if you ignore your own instincts, which have always been your best and most trusted ally. Listen to the voice of your "antennae" and you'll be fine, especially when it comes to dealing with those who are above you - temporarily, at least.

The appearance of The Lovers indicates that the time is ripe for you to make a serious commitment. And while it may certainly include a new relationship, the commitment you really should be focused on is to yourself - to bring an equilibrium to your body, mind, and spirit. If that includes the inspiration of another, so much the better. Whether you do it alone or with your partner, find your inner balance.
