If we were given a chance to choose a pill, what would you choose?
  • Be Rich
  • Bring someone dead back
  • Never feel pain
  • Never catch a disease

Be Rich and Never catch a disease would seem the better choice for most?

- Be Rich: Choosing this pill would potentially grant you financial wealth and abundance. It could provide opportunities for a comfortable lifestyle, access to resources, and the ability to pursue your goals and desires.

- Bring someone dead back: If you choose this pill, it implies the ability to resurrect someone who has passed away. This could bring back a loved one or someone you care about. However, it's important to consider the ethical and moral implications of tampering with life and death.

- Never feel pain: Opting for this pill would mean you would no longer experience physical or emotional pain. While this may seem appealing, it's crucial to remember that pain serves as an important warning mechanism and protective response in our bodies.

- Never catch a disease: By choosing this pill, you would gain immunity to diseases, reducing the risk of falling ill. This could potentially lead to a healthier and longer life.

Ultimately, the choice depends on personal values, priorities, and perspectives. It's essential to consider the consequences and implications of each option before making a decision.

I'm thrilled to share that we've received our National IDs today, although they're not complete yet—only mine and my third son's. Surprisingly, even though we registered on the same day, we were placed in separate processing batches, a fact we discovered when checking on https://trn-verifier.philsys.gov.ph/ to see if our IDs were ready for printing. There was a notice about a delay in the physical ID card production, with the option to obtain a temporary printable digital version.

Interestingly, our physical ID cards had been ready for delivery since May 18, according to the PhilSys tracking page, so it took a whopping three months for them to finally reach us. It's snail mail, quite literally.

I made numerous attempts to contact PhilSys to inquire about the status. I was redirected to another department and attempted to call them, but received no response. I also sent an email, which went unanswered. At one point, I even worried that our IDs might have been affected by the fire that occurred at the Lawton Post Office in May. Eventually, I gave up trying to reach the right person for an update.

Nonetheless, the IDs are in our hands now, and we eagerly await the arrival of the next batch.

I encountered a bank's pop-up message regarding Ghost Month, and interestingly, a related content about it also appeared on my TikTok For You Page. Ghost Month spans from August 16 to September 14, and I'd like to share the information I found below.

Ghost Month, which is considered an inauspicious time in some Asian cultures, it's wise to avoid certain activities to prevent any potential negative influences or bad luck. Here are some tips on what not to do during Ghost Month:

1. Avoid Outdoor Activities at Night: 
It's believed that wandering spirits are more active during the nighttime. To minimize encountering them, it's best to avoid outdoor activities after dark.

2. Avoid Swimming: 
Ghosts are thought to be drawn to bodies of water, and swimming during this month could increase the risk of encountering malevolent spirits.

3. Don't Hang Clothes Outside: 
It's believed that spirits might try to possess hanging clothes, so it's better to avoid hanging laundry outdoors during Ghost Month.

4. Avoid Whistling at Night: 
Whistling at night is believed to attract spirits, and doing so may inadvertently invite unwanted attention.

5. Avoid Renovations or Moving:
Ghost Month is considered an unlucky time for significant changes. Avoid starting renovations, moving to a new house, or major life decisions.

6. Limit Celebrations:
It's customary to avoid holding joyous celebrations or weddings during Ghost Month, as this might offend the wandering spirits.

7. Don't Step on Ashes or Offerings:
It's common to see offerings on the ground during Ghost Month. Be respectful and avoid stepping on them.

8. Avoid Ghost-Related Activities:
Engaging in activities related to ghosts or death, such as visiting cemeteries or watching horror movies, is generally avoided during this time.

9. Don't Open Umbrellas Indoors:
It's believed that doing so may invite negative energy and bad luck.

10. Avoid Disturbing Natural Areas:
 It's thought that spirits reside in natural surroundings, so avoid disturbing areas like forests, mountains, or rivers.

Remember that the practices and beliefs associated with Ghost Month vary from culture to culture, so it's essential to be respectful of the local customs and traditions. If you're uncertain about a particular activity, it's always a good idea to seek guidance from individuals familiar with the cultural practices of the region.


Elemental (2023)
PG | 1h 41m

Follows Ember and Wade, in a city where fire-, water-, land- and air-residents live together.

I can't help but connect Wade's emotional nature with my son, who claims to be emotional as well. To provide some context, there was an instance when I was reprimanding him for missing school, and he was already in tears, struggling to catch his breath. I asked him why he was crying so intensely when I hadn't even raised a hand to him. His response was that he had a sensitive heart. At that moment, I was unsure whether to laugh or continue with my lecture, but ultimately, I decided to stop. It's funny because he inherited this emotional side from my genes, which I, in turn, inherited from my late father. Despite his outwardly tough and strict demeanor, he actually has a tendency to cry easily! 😄

Since that incident, I've been working on toughening him up through playful banter and teasing each other, all in good fun, of course! The aim is to ensure that he isn't easily hurt by words, but I also make sure to provide him with compliments to boost his self-esteem. Interestingly, when I heard Wade mention that he, too, has a sensitive heart, we both shared a chuckle.

Anyway, returning to the animated film, I derive great enjoyment from watching it. It offers a refreshing and one-of-a-kind concept, unlike anything I've come across before. While it does evoke shades of a Romeo and Juliet theme, this story concludes with a joyful ending. I couldn't help but ponder what their offspring might be like.

After a lengthy wait of 49 days, our SIM replacement has finally been delivered.

We promptly reported the loss of our phone, along with the registered SIM, due to theft. However, the process of resolving the issue involved numerous days and weeks of follow-ups, during which we received generic replies indicating that the matter was still under review. The level of stress I personally endured was unimaginable, particularly when we discovered that our registered number was still active and being used by someone else. Despite reporting this to the provider, they failed to take immediate action, such as temporarily deactivating the SIM. Consequently, the unauthorized user continued to consume the remaining GB of data, even after we had submitted all the necessary documents, including a police report and proof of ownership (such as the SIM bed). Each time we reached out to the provider, their response merely stated that their support team was still reviewing the case. This situation has left me wondering if there are multiple users facing similar challenges with SIM replacements.

In retrospect, choosing this mobile data provider for my sons' usage was undoubtedly a mistake. I deeply regret my decision, as I believed it would be a better choice, especially considering that we did not actually require mobile data at home. The offer of no-expiry data seemed appealing initially, but the experience has proven to be a source of great disappointment and regret.

Anyway, let me share the steps we followed to obtain our SIM replacement, in case it proves helpful to others. However, if you have the opportunity, I highly recommend switching to SMART as soon as possible. They also offer a no-expiry promo, making it a more favorable option.

1.  Before reaching out to GOMO, it is important to prepare an AFFIDAVIT of LOSS (notarized). This document will be required as part of the submission process for your SIM replacement request. Keep in mind that GOMO has a deadline of 7 days from the initial report to accept the necessary documents. Therefore, it is crucial to have the affidavit ready beforehand.  

2.  To contact GOMO, it is recommended to reach out to them through their Twitter account page. However, it's important to be prepared for the security verification process that they have in place. They may require specific details to verify your identity before assisting you with your SIM replacement request.

Information they needed are as follows:

GOMO Number: 
Name registered in the app:  
Email Address registered in the app:  
Recent Transactions:  
Date of latest transaction:  
Time of latest transaction:  
Reference Number of latest transaction:  

TIP: It is advisable to avoid using their Facebook Page for SIM replacement inquiries. This is because the Facebook Page might lead you into an AI loop, where you might not find a specific menu option for SIM replacement. It can feel like navigating through a labyrinth maze, making it difficult to get the assistance you need. Even if you manage to reach the part where you can chat with an agent, there is a possibility that no agent will be assigned to you, causing delays in resolving your issue.

3.  After successfully completing the security verification process, GOMO will guide you on the next steps to obtain your SIM replacement. They will advise you to send the following mandatory requirements to changesim@gomo.ph within one week: 

Email Subject: GOMO Change SIM Requirements <GOMO Number>
Email Content/Details: < Requirements >
a. Duly notarized Affidavit of Loss (send digitally along with a selfie holding the Affidavit of Loss)
b. 2 Valid IDs (should match with the selfie) See list of Valid IDs in the Appendix
c. GOMO SIM bed (with visible SIM serial) (can be optional)
d. Any other proof of ownership of the lost SIM card (ex. Screenshot of Gcash linked to the lost SIM card) (can be optional)
e. Delivery Details of the customer where the SIM will be delivered.

Please submit the requirements within the week.
We will not proceed with the request if the requirements/documents are not provided and approved.
Once the requirements are submitted, they will be verified again.

4.   Please ensure that you follow up with the Twitter agent until they confirm the approval of your SIM replacement. Once approved, they will provide you with instructions on how to make the payment for the new SIM card and the associated delivery fee.

It is important to note that payment must be settled within 3 working days, and you will be required to submit proof of payment within that timeframe as well. If the payment and proof of payment are not submitted within the specified time, you may need to start the process over.

To avoid any delays or complications, make sure to promptly settle the payment and provide the necessary proof of payment within the given timeframe. This will help ensure a smooth SIM replacement process and prevent any unnecessary restarts.

Please note that the payment and delivery fee details may vary, so it is essential to confirm the specific instructions and fees with the agent.   To give you an idea of the current fees as of this writing.

SIM fee (Php 40)
Delivery Fee (Php 100 for MM/NCR; Php150 for VISMIN.  For out of delivery areas, there will be additional costs) Payment will be via Bank Transfer/Deposit.

5.   The final step is to follow up and inquire about the status of your delivery. It's important to note that the responses you receive may be generic, indicating that the company is actively working on your request. The only way to confirm that your delivery is en route is when you receive a text message from ENTREGO (in our case) notifying you that the delivery is on its way.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that Twitter agents will not provide you with a reference number, not even for the process of sending the requirements via email. There is no option to follow up through email either, as you will only receive an automated response from a no-reply email address acknowledging the receipt of your email. At times, this can be frustrating when you attempt to follow up and the agent instructs you on how to request a SIM replacement, despite having already submitted the required documents.

First day of the month, and it's time for our monthly fridge cleaning ritual once again. I looked up a helpful step-by-step guide that my sons can follow:

1. **Empty the Fridge**: Take out all the items from the refrigerator and place them on the kitchen counter or nearby table for easy access.

2. **Sort and Discard**: Check the expiration dates of the items and dispose of anything that is expired or past its prime. Also, get rid of any leftovers that have been in the fridge for too long. Consider composting any spoiled fruits or vegetables.

3. **Remove Shelves and Drawers**: Take out the shelves, drawers, and any removable parts of the fridge. Wash them with warm soapy water to get rid of stains and spills. For tough stains or residue, use a paste of baking soda and water and gently scrub.

4. **Clean the Interior**: Use a mixture of mild soap and water to wipe down the interior of the fridge. Pay special attention to the door seals where dirt and stains tend to accumulate.

5. **Clean the Exterior**: Wipe down the exterior of the fridge with a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Don't forget to clean the handles and control panels.

6. **Check the Condenser Coils**: If your fridge has condenser coils, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove dust and debris. Clean coils help the fridge run more efficiently.

7. **Organize and Group Items**: Before putting the food back into the fridge, organize them into groups. Store similar items together, such as dairy, fruits, vegetables, condiments, and more. This will make it easier to find things later.

8. **Use Transparent Containers**: Consider using transparent containers or bins for smaller items. This helps to keep the fridge organized and makes it easy to see what's inside.

9. **Label and Date Containers**: If storing leftovers or homemade food, label the containers with their contents and the date they were prepared to track their freshness.

10. **Regular Maintenance**: Make it a habit to regularly check for any spoiled items and clean up any spills or messes inside the fridge.

By following this guide, our fridge will stay clean and organized throughout the month, making it easier for us to find what we need and maintain the freshness of our food.


Kingdom (2019)
Original title: Kingudamu
R | 2h 14m

In ancient China, a young boy dreams of becoming the greatest general of the Qin Kingdom.

This movie and its sequel are currently among the top 10 movies on Netflix PH, which piqued my curiosity, so I decided to watch them. The lead actor's face looked familiar as he was also the protagonist in the Alice in Borderland series that I enjoyed.

According to my sons, this movie is a live adaptation of a manga series, while I initially thought it was based on the Dynasty Warriors game :p.

I found it quite entertaining to watch, with its impressive fight scenes, themes of bravery, and the pursuit of dreams. The movie also conveyed valuable moral lessons about sibling rivalry and the idea that sometimes those not bound by blood can be closer than actual siblings. It emphasized the importance of fair opportunities for everyone, regardless of their status or background.

I was particularly amazed by the character of Greatest General Ouki, even though he had limited screen time. It was evident that he was a great commander, and his presence left a strong impact on me, just like it did on the main character.

Kingdom II: Far and Away (2022)
R | 2h 14m

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.

The sequel primarily focuses on the art of war, exploring different generals' strategies and determining which one would be more effective. This aspect is highlighted by the brief but impactful appearance of the Greatest General Ouki in the movie.

The movie also conveys that even when facing defeat, a small spark of effort can ignite greater strength and overcome even a formidable opponent of 10,000.

However, I found myself confused during the final scene when King Esei mentioned that he trusted Ryofui, despite stating in the first movie that he only trusted Shoubunkun. This confusion was further accentuated by Shoubunkun's bewildered behavior in the background. Adding to my confusion, the names on the subtitles did not match the characters' names on IMDB and Wiki.

Nevertheless, I don't intend to delve deeper into the story by searching for more information, as I am eager to watch the third sequel instead.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
PG-13 | 2h 30m

Still reeling from the loss of Gamora, Peter Quill rallies his team to defend the universe and one of their own - a mission that could mean the end of the Guardians if not successful

"Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" delivers a thrilling and action-packed adventure that fans of the franchise will surely enjoy. The film picks up where the previous installment left off, as Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot find themselves facing a new cosmic threat. Director James Gunn continues to masterfully blend humor, heart, and stunning visuals, making this installment just as entertaining as its predecessors. The character development remains a highlight, as the team's dynamics deepen and emotional arcs are explored. With a mix of nostalgic '80s music and an engaging storyline, "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, leaving audiences both satisfied and eagerly anticipating what lies ahead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Overall, it is a fitting and enjoyable conclusion to the beloved franchise. The film's clever dialogue, charismatic performances, and dazzling action sequences make it a joy to watch. James Gunn's ability to balance humor and heart allows for both lighthearted laughs and poignant moments that resonate with viewers. While saying goodbye to these beloved characters might be bittersweet for some, the film leaves us with a sense of fulfillment and excitement for the future of the Marvel cosmic universe. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just a casual moviegoer, "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3" promises a cinematic experience that is out of this world.

The Flash (2023)
PG-13 | 2h 24m

Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future.

An electrifying superhero film that delivers an exhilarating cinematic experience. As the fastest man alive, Barry Allen, played by a charismatic lead actor, embarks on a thrilling journey to discover his powers and the responsibilities that come with them. The movie is a rollercoaster ride of action-packed sequences, showcasing breathtaking visuals as The Flash races against time to save the world from impending doom. With a perfect blend of humor, heart, and high-octane excitement, the film successfully captures the essence of the beloved comic book character, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. While some plot elements may be predictable, the overall fast-paced narrative and well-choreographed action sequences make "The Flash" a must-watch for superhero enthusiasts and casual moviegoers alike.

"The Flash" brings a refreshing and entertaining addition to the superhero genre. The movie masterfully combines elements of science fiction, drama, and adventure to craft an engaging story that appeals to a wide audience. The film's stunning special effects and impressive CGI enhance the thrilling visuals, elevating the experience to new heights. Alongside the exhilarating action, the film also delves into the emotional journey of its protagonist, allowing viewers to connect with Barry Allen on a deeper level. While adhering to classic superhero tropes, "The Flash" manages to inject its own personality and charm, making it a standout film in the DC Extended Universe. With its compelling storytelling, strong performances, and a dash of humor, "The Flash" is a lightning-paced adventure that leaves a lasting impression.

Our newly arrived Nokia 2660 Flip phone, ordered from Nokia's Flagship Store on Lazada, serves as our secondary phone solution for my teens when they are out and about. My top priority is their safety and the ability to stay connected, especially after one of my sons experienced the unfortunate incident of having his smartphone snatched. I was determined to find a solution that ensures their safety while minimizing the risk of such incidents happening again.

If you're interested in providing your teenagers with an affordable secondary phone for added safety and peace of mind, I highly recommend checking out the Nokia 2660 Flip.  This reliable device offers various benefits, including:

1. Enhanced Safety: Providing your teenagers with a secondary phone ensures that they have a reliable means of communication in case of emergencies or when they need to contact you urgently.

2. Reduced Risk of Loss or Theft: Carrying a less valuable phone significantly reduces the risk of theft, minimizing the likelihood of your teenagers losing an expensive device to theft or damage.

3. Peace of Mind: As a parent, you can have peace of mind knowing that your teenagers have a dependable way to reach you without the worry associated with carrying expensive smartphones.

4. Cost-Effective Solution: Inexpensive phones are budget-friendly and offer a cost-effective alternative to purchasing high-end smartphones for your teenagers.

5. Focused Communication: With fewer distractions, these secondary phones encourage your teenagers to use them primarily for communication, reducing screen time and potential distractions during important activities.

6. Teaching Responsibility: Owning a secondary phone provides an opportunity to teach your teenagers about responsible phone usage, including the importance of safeguarding their belongings.

7. Emergency Preparedness: It ensures that your teenagers are always prepared for unexpected situations, whether it involves seeking help or reaching out when they need assistance.

8. Extended Battery Life: Basic phones often boast longer battery life, ensuring that the device remains operational when needed, especially during extended outings.

To explore this affordable and safety-enhancing solution, visit the Nokia 2660 Flip on Lazada https://s.lazada.com.ph/s.7vFhR?cc  It's a practical choice that prioritizes safety and communication while reducing the risk of smartphone-related incidents in public spaces.

It's remarkable how far we've come in the world of mobile phones. I remember the not so distant past when Nokia was the famous brand here, and we were already amazed by its features. But look at how advanced our mobile phones are now!

Dear Other Self (2017)
 | 1h 50m

A woman finds herself caught in a dilemma whether she will stay at work or pursue her passion for traveling.

A heartfelt and thought-provoking movie that follows the story of a young woman torn between two paths in life. The film beautifully captures the struggle of finding one's true identity and making life-altering decisions. Jodi Sta. Maria's compelling performance as the lead brings depth and emotion to the character, making the audience empathize with her internal conflict. The film's cinematography and soundtrack add to its overall charm, creating an engaging and enjoyable cinematic experience. While some parts might feel predictable, the movie's exploration of self-discovery and the impact of choices leaves a lasting impression, making "Dear Other Self" a worthwhile watch for anyone looking for a relatable and uplifting story.

John Wick 4

John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
R | 2h 49m

John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes.

"John Wick: Chapter 4" delivers another action-packed thrill ride that fans of the franchise will undoubtedly love. Keanu Reeves once again shines in his iconic role, bringing intensity and skill to every jaw-dropping fight sequence. The film further explores the intriguing world of assassins and offers a compelling storyline with unexpected twists. The high-octane action, stunning cinematography, and mesmerizing choreography make "Chapter 4" a true adrenaline-pumping spectacle. While it may not deviate significantly from its predecessors, the film remains a satisfying and entertaining addition to the John Wick saga.

My eagerly awaited Lazada order has finally arrived, and I was particularly excited about this delivery. This batch includes my top-priority item, which happens to be webcam and phone covers. I decided to make this purchase due to my growing concern after watching recent movies and series where people's online privacy was being unknowingly compromised.

In addition to this essential purchase, I was pleasantly surprised to come across the same lunch bag I had spotted last week on the platform. I immediately thought of getting it for my boys as well. If you're interested, I've shared the link below, or you can simply click on the picture to access the product page.

Product description: Insulation Bag Bento Bag with Aluminum Film Keep Heat Cold Fresh for Lunch Box and Food Drink

I added a few more items from the same store, and one product worth mentioning is their Japanese Colander Multifunctional Strainer. My sons would be thrilled to use it for cooking and preparing their Lucky Me Pancit Canton :P

Aside from the convenience of ordering via Shoppe/Lazada/GrabFood for my "deserved ko to" buys, I began to adapt and loved other door-to-door services that cater for daily item needs.  *been using FoodPanda lately*   Two of my most used services aside from the three mentioned, are Watsons and GoCart (Robinsons Supermarket).

My hunt for the best shop began during pandemic, and I have tried other shops/services.  I remained loyal to these two.  Major reason is the benefit of earning points, plus it comes with free membeship program (for life, I hope).   Second, but significantly important, is that they offer free delivery if you reached a minimum purchase. 


First week of this month, I ordered my son's prescribed meds via Watsons.  It was a great deal, because I got a discounted same-day delivery at Php 10, regular rate was Php 50.  Express delivery comes with an extra cost by the way, otherwise, you can get free delivery (3-5 days) with a minimum purchase.

I was expecting the delivery, when the rider called and informed me that he's outside waiting.  My eldest hurriedly went outside, but no rider in sight, he checked twice still none.  So I called the number listed on call history, rider was so sure that he's infront of our house.  

Then I realized, he's in the wrong city, same street but different city, this is not the first incident for the same provider.  Rider said that the PIN location routed him to Mandaluyong.  I told him to call the person who initiated the delivery, which he said that he already tried but no one is picking up his call.  

He got the package delivery from SM San Lazaro, our place is within Manila (which he already passed by going to the wrong location).   I can hear his frustration, imagine the time/fuel wasted.  He also said something like, "Magkano nga lang ung fare nito, sige Maam, babalik po ako at idi-deliver ko sa inyo".   I offered to compensate him PHP 50 for the wasted time and his effort, it's not much but hope it would help.  I gave him waze link/pin to get to our location.   The delivery took about 2 hours from the time of pick-up, which is supposed to be just just 20-30 mins motorbike ride.

Watsons customer support called me, I forgot if it was the same day or the day after.  They provided me Php 50 voucher in return, this was after verifying with the Grab rider of the said incident.

What I liked with Watsons support, was that they initiated a callback, instead of text/email.  He also said that for future concerns, I can message Watsons FB and look for him.   Also, they constantly updated me of the progress re voucher via email.


Mid-month is when Robinsons' would have their promos, plus we've run out of our daily  needs.  I know it was quite late and not the usual, I mostly do online orders early and then schedule them for delivery at a later date.  Our preferred delivery time is in the afternoon, and not beyond 6pm.  Since, the promo period is almost over, I decided to have this delivered same day.  We finished our list prior to 5pm, then scheduled for delivery 6pm-8pm.

As their protocol, I received a text re unavailable items and suggested similar item replacement.  If there's none or no reply, they will proceed with which are avaialble on the list of orders.  I started my work at 6pm (working from home), so I let my eldest check the phone from time to time.  Last text we received is that delivery rider is on his way, he sent the same text twice at around 8pm.

GoCart app would prompt about the order status, so it notificed us of a delivered status at 9pm.   My eldest went out to check if the rider is around, no rider in sight.  We waited, thought that there might be heavy traffic, or delays due to multiple drop-off of orders.   I texted the rider that we're still waiting for the groceries, and why it's showing delivered on the app.

At about 10pm (my lunch break), still no delivery.  I started calling the rider, the first number who texted me re items that weren't available, both no answer.  Sent text message to the first number, to call me ASAP and to clarify what's happening.  Tried checking GoCart app to see if I could get someone over the phone, but support can only be reached via email.  Tried their FB page, but the message wasn't delivered.  I was panicking at that time, as it's past 10pm way beyond their servicing hours, and my break is only for an hour.  We have orders too that needs to be stored in a freezer.

Finally, the first number replied, and said that it was successfully delivered at our store.  We don't have a store, so where or to whom it was delivered then?  Checked with the supervisor, after some time, I received a text from the rider.  

Same advise/reason, and said it was received by mother.  I immediately called the rider to clarify.  Evidently there was a mistake made, what irritates me more was when he said that I didn't reply.  What should I reply to his text, that he's on his way?   I didn't reply so he'd drop off items to any person? 

He went back to get our groceries and finally items were delivered to us, almost midnight.  Rider apologized via text.

It turns out that same name (both regular customers), of the same street (but on opposite ends), ordered and scheduled delivery on the same time.

But you know, this could've been avoided if standard procedure was followed.  It is highly important to check the right address, as names can be common, and it's not safe to assume.   A quick text or phone call can save us all a lot of trouble.  Past riders would always call or text prior to handing the items over to us.

Support via email replied to check if all is good, I replied with a summary of what happened (or more like a rant?).  I am entittled to do so, it was a very bad experience for me.  This incident/feedback will help them to improve their service.
