Strange Magic (2015) on IMDb
Strange Magic (2015)
PG | 1h 39min

Goblins, elves, fairies and imps, and their misadventures sparked by the battle over a powerful potion.

Checked IMDB, it tells that the story was inspired by "A Midsummer Night's Dream."  Haven't read that book though, but I loved the story of this movie.  Find it bit funny and so true for those scenes where the message/news is being passed on from one mushroom to another, it always ends up a different message in the end :p.  Song selected added a good feeling, their voices are superb for me.


For the month ahead:

There are many ways of finding what we deserve in life, which is exactly what the Judgement card brings to us. In romantic matters over the coming month, this card will definitely help you find your match. The hardest part of your job will be to get out there, boldly and shamelessly, and just go for it, no matter what the odds seem to be. In short, if you're interested, go get 'em! It's time!

When The World appears, you've received a very important indication that you've done the right thing, been in the right place at the right time, and chosen the right occupation. Of course, you'll already know all that, by the feelings you have, but also by the happiness and contentment you're already experiencing within your current occupation. If you're not satisfied, don't despair. Something you never expected will come along, when you least expect it.

When the card of Justice arrives, it's time to reach a clear and objective understanding with the world around us - a "deal" of sorts. Justice demands that we do what we can so that we get exactly what we deserve, and in the process, we learn to understand that everything we do is affected by what everyone else does. That doesn't mean we should sit still and wait. It's all about negotiation, fairness, and treaties.
