For the month ahead:

For the longest time, you seem to have been learning a lesson that's been not at all pleasant: you've been learning not to trust. Now, however, someone is due to enter your life who'll teach you not just to trust, but also to trust yourself again - to trust your intuition, even though you've tried, recently, to do just that, and it hasn't worked out too well. Give it another shot.

When The World appears at this moment in time, you can righteously spend many a happy moment enjoying the fruits of your success - whether or not they've actually arrived. You know that what you've done is about to bring you rewards, so why wait? Plan the parties, send out the invitations, and be sure to stay in contact with the influential people who've already agreed to help you announce your name.

We've all seen people we love pull back from us to spend time alone - to think things through and rely on their own counsel and instincts, rather than on that of anyone else's. It's time for you to do just that. Don't worry about losing your friends or those closest to you. After you've come up with your own answers to pressing questions, you'll be back, renewed and revitalized.


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