The Avengers (2012)
PG-13 | 2h 23m
Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. brings together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki and his army.
For me, this movie didn't quite reach the level of greatness I experienced while watching XMEN or Iron Man, but it served as a decent way to spend some time with my kids and share a few laughs, especially thanks to Iron Man's entertaining presence. While it may not have been as captivating or immersive as some of my favorite superhero films, it still provided enjoyable moments and allowed us to bond as a family over a lighthearted adventure. As a fan of the XMEN and Iron Man series, my expectations might have been high, but I'm always open to exploring new superhero stories and discovering different facets of the genre. Despite not hitting all the right notes for me, it was a pleasant enough experience, and I look forward to continuing our superhero movie nights together.